Dealing with Imbalanced Datasets in Fraud Detection

Explore techniques and approaches to effectively identify fraudulent activities despite the prevalence of non-fraudulent transactions.

Maik Paixão
6 min readMar 30, 2024

So, you’re diving into the complex world of banking, where catching fraudsters is super important to keep customers feeling safe and secure. But here’s the twist — you’ve got this tricky issue of imbalanced data to deal with. Imagine a big bank, swamped with tons of legit transactions, making the few shady ones look like small fries. This huge imbalance is a real pain for the usual models trying to spot fraud accurately. But don’t throw in the towel just yet; there are some solid strategies out there to tackle this challenge.

Imagine a bank like BNP Paribas, buzzing with endless transactions every day. In this huge flow of money, only a tiny bit is actually shady. This situation creates a big imbalance in the data, with legit transactions way outnumbering the dodgy ones. As a result, the usual machine learning models find themselves in a bit of a pickle, trying to spot those rare instances of fraud, since they’re mostly tuned to focus on the majority of transactions.

In this tricky scenario, the task of catching fraudsters becomes a difficult. The models that were originally built to handle a more balanced mix of transactions now need to sharpen their focus and get smarter. They have to adjust to this reality, where spotting fraud is like looking for a few bad apples in a massive orchard. It’s all about keeping the bank’s transactions safe and maintaining the trust of its customers, without getting lost in the sea of legit transactions.

But, what can we Data Scientists do to handle imbalanced datasets on the problem of Fraud Detection? Let me show you 4 common solutions.

Resampling Techniques

Alright, let’s dive into the first method to handle that pesky imbalance problem: resampling techniques. So, what’s this all about? Well, it’s like tweaking the numbers to make things more even. One way to do this is called oversampling. Imagine you’ve got a tiny pile of fraudulent transactions and a massive pile of legit ones. Oversampling is like making copies of the fraud pile until it’s big enough to match the legit pile. There’s this cool method called Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE), which doesn’t just make exact copies. Instead, it creates new, fake transactions that look a lot like the real frauds. Pretty neat, right?

On the flip side, there’s something called undersampling. This time, instead of beefing up the fraud pile, you shrink the legit pile to match the size. But here’s the catch: you might end up tossing out some important info when you do this. It’s like having a huge bag of candies and throwing some away just to match the smaller bag. You might lose some of your favorite flavors!

So, while both oversampling and undersampling have their perks, they also come with some trade-offs to consider.

Anomaly Detection

This approach is all about spotting the weird stuff, the transactions that just don’t fit in. Imagine you’ve got a customer who usually buys a coffee and a bagel every morning. But then, out of the blue, they try to buy a private jet. That’s a red flag, right? Anomaly detection is like having a detective on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary. It’s not about making the numbers match up; it’s about catching the oddballs.

Big banks love this method because they can keep an eye on transactions as they happen and jump on anything fishy right away. It’s like having a security camera that not only records but also shouts, “Hey, that’s not supposed to happen!” whenever something strange goes down. This real-time monitoring is super helpful in stopping fraudsters in their tracks before they can do too much damage.

While anomaly detection might not fix the imbalance issue directly, it’s a smart way to keep things in check and maintain that trust with customers.

Ensemble Methods

Picture this: you’ve got a team of detectives, each with their own unique way of solving a case. One’s great at spotting clues in financial records, another’s a whiz with digital footprints, and so on.

Ensemble methods are like bringing all these detectives together to crack the case of fraud detection. Tools like Random Forests and Gradient Boosting are the all-stars here, pooling the strengths of multiple models to make one super-prediction. This teamwork approach helps balance out any biases, so the focus isn’t just on the majority of transactions.

Imagine a big bank using a whole bunch of decision trees, each one trained on a different slice of the data pie. It’s like having a bunch of different perspectives on the same problem. One tree might catch a sneaky pattern that another missed. When you put them all together, you get a more complete picture of what fraud looks like. This way, the bank can spot a wider range of fishy transactions, from the classic credit card swindle to the more sophisticated digital scams.

Each model might have its own quirks, when you bring them together as an ensemble, they can cover each other’s blind spots and do a better job.

Cost-sensitive Learning

Cost-sensitive Learning. Imagine you’re playing a game where you lose points for making mistakes, but not all mistakes cost you the same. Messing up on a big question might lose you a ton of points, while a small slip-up only costs you a few. That’s the gist of cost-sensitive learning. In the world of fraud detection, the stakes are high. If a model screws up and labels a dodgy transaction as legit, the bank could lose a lot of money. On the other hand, if it’s too cautious and flags too many innocent transactions as fraud, it’ll annoy customers but won’t be as costly.

So, what do Data Scientist do? They tweak their models to understand that not all errors are created equal. They make it so that the model really, really doesn’t want to miss any actual fraud, even if that means it gets a bit trigger-happy and flags some safe transactions by mistake. It’s like telling the model, “Hey, we’d rather you be a bit overprotective and keep a closer eye on things, even if you get it wrong sometimes.” This way, the model learns to prioritize catching the real bad guys, which is what the bank cares about most.

It’s all about finding that sweet spot where the model is just paranoid enough to catch fraudsters without causing too much of a fuss for the good guys.

It’s important to note that fraudsters are constantly evolving their tactics, and what worked yesterday might not work today. Large banks need to continuously monitor their fraud detection models and adapt them to changing patterns. This might involve regularly updating the model with new data, tweaking the parameters, or even exploring new methods as they become available.

Hi, I’m Maik! Find more about me here:




Maik Paixão

Data Scientist with expertise in building modern analysis on financial instruments.